Susan B Hager

Susan B Hager has strong experience in industrial & artistic design and is licensed as a Home Improvement Contractor with the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs specializing in terrace decking for private residences. Her company is extremely well known in The Brooklyn Brownstone Belt area for 30 years.


Susan shares a recemmended wood and iron installtion team with whom she has a trusted  professional connection.


If you are looking for a wood & iron deck project visualized to realized, then this is the team for you!

                                                      Wood & Iron Fabricator Installer Colleagues    


Where to Find Us:

Sketch & Hammer
68 Montague ST

Brooklyn, NY 11201

Phone: +1 718 5960951

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Extended business hours

To accomodate our customers' busy schedules, we have extended our hours and are now open later.


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